Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Chocolate-the reasons behind consumption!!!

I found an interesting article examining the reasons behind eating Chocolate, one of my favorite pastimes. I realised i was being categorised into one of 2 kinds of consumers- the cravers and the emotional eaters. Cravers are those who eat chocolate as an indulgent pleasure and emotional eaters are those who use chocolate in a bid to alleviate depression.What more, they even dissected the reason behind wishing for a bite of that brown treat in that anticipating and eating the treat releases 'feel good' neurotransmitters.Chocolate craving, (for the cravers), as an indulgent pleasure seems to stimulate the dopamine system in the brain, and provides an enjoyable experience.However the emotional eaters eat chocolate to relieve boredom, stress or clinical depression and are actually looking for an opioid effect to improve their mood, which is only a temporary relief which is quickly followed by a return to or a worsening of their earlier negative state.

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